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The Bowerman Family

  My research on this family began after viewing some photographs my mum took when she went to a cemetery in Prince Edward County. I had no idea which cemetery, but upon searching on the internet, I found out that it was the Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell, Prince Edward County, and so my search on the Bowerman family began!

                                 Stephen & Elizabeth Bowerman

Stephen Job Bowerman was born December 31st of 1848 to Gideon Hughes Bowerman and Mary S Christy. He had two known younger brothers, Albert Claude (born 1850, married Lillian Thorn after Ida E Bedell), and James (born 1852, married Charlotte Jane and later Melvina). Stephen married Elizabeth Lucas on September 20th of 1869, and they had five known children. He is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.

Elizabeth Lucas was born November 21st, 1850 in Belleville, Hastings County, to Miles Lucas (1824-1903) and Olive Bowerman (1823-1901, dau. of John and Mary). She died August 20th, 1939. She had two sisters and one brother - Clarinda Mitchell, Martha Maria Terwilliger, and John G Lucas. She is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.

Their children were:

Byron Gideon Bowerman, who was born June 30th of 1870 in Bloomfield, Prince Edward Division, and died July 31st of 1952 in Carrying Place, Prince Edward Division. He married Margaret E Hicks (Sept. 12, 1869 - Dec. 22, 1964) and they had two children, Albert (Sept. 27, 1900 - ?) and Ralph (Nov. 21, 1895 - ?).

Rachel May Bowerman, who was born March 1st, 1872 in Bloomfield, and died May 3rd, 1876 in Hillier, Prince Edward Division.

Alma Augusta Bowerman, who was born August 21st of 1875 in Bloomfield, and died July 31st of 1877 in Hillier.

Ethel Maude Bowerman, who was born April 21st of 1879 in Bloomfield, and who died March 24th of 1961 in Hillier. She married Wilford Cecil Cronk (1873-1956, son of John Hughes Cronk and Marilla Berthena Ogden). They had two children, Eleanor Elizabeth (Mar. 24, 1909 - Dec. 21, 1964, both in Hallowell), and Edith Hilda Marion (Dec. 19, 1910 - 2009). Neither daughter got married.

Stephen Earl Bowerman, born August 2nd, 1887 in Ontario, and died December 22nd, 1964 in Hillier. He married May Bell Weeks (1881- Dec. 22, 1964) and had one known child, Ruth Elizabeth Bowerman (Nov. 7, 1920 - ?).

                              Gideon Hughes & Mary S Bowerman

Stephen's father Gideon Hughes was born November 29th, 1818 in Bloomfield to Stephen Bowerman and Amy Hughes and died Sept. 16, 1877 in Hillier.

Stephen's mother Mary S Christy was born Oct. 22, 1822 to William Christy and Ruth Bull in Hallowell, and died in 1897 in Hillier.

Siblings were Eleanor, Abigail, Oliver, Rachel, and Sophia.

                                       Stephen & Amy Bowerman

Gideon's father Stephen Bowerman was born in Oswego, Dutchess County, New York on Oct. 22, 1773 and died in Bloomfield June 3 1857. He was the son of Ichabod Bowerman (1721 - 1790)  and Jane Richmond (1735 - 1797)

His mother Amy Hughes was born in White Church Township, York in Dec. 16 1787 and died on July 31, 1863 in Bloomfield. She was the daughter of Job Hughes (1741 - 1807) and Eleanor Lee (1751 - 1825).

                                                             Amy Bowerman (Hughes)

Stephen and Amy had five other children:

1) Eleanor, b. 1822, d. 1851
2) Abigail, b. 1820, d. unknown
3) Oliver, b. 1826, d. unknown
4) Rachel, b. 1824, d. unknown
5) Sophia, b. 1828, d. unknown

                                          Ichabod & Jane Bowerman

 Stephen's father Ichabod was born in 1721 in Massachussetts, USA, and died in February of 1790 in Ontario. He was the son of Thomas Bowerman and Jane Harby.

Stephen's mother Jane was born in Stomington, New London, Connecticut, USA in 1735 to Cyrus Richmond and Phebe Mott. She died in 1797 in Dutchess, New York, USA. 

Ichabod was married to Lydia Mott before Jane. They had six children.

Ichabod and Jane had 14 children.

It is unknown which children have which mother, but their names were: The above Stephen (married to Amy Hughes),  David, Timothy, Elizabeth, Jane, Hannah, Sarah, Nancy, Thomas, Lydia, Phoebe, Mary, Ichabod, Jonathan, Deborah, Gideon, Israel, Judah, Amos, and Vincent. 

                                                    Marriage Intention paper.
                                                               Lease agreement.

                                                    Bowerman House in Falmouth, MA.

                                         Thomas & Jane Bowerman

Ichabod's father Thomas was born  in West Falmouth, New Plymouth, New England, in 1689 to Thomas Bowerman and Mary Harper. He married Jane Harby and had one child Ichabod (the above). He later married Jane Clifton and had nine children with her: Elizabeth, Judah, Joseph, Peace, Deborah, David, Sarah, Silas, and Jane.

Ichabod's mother Jane Harby was born in Falmouth Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA, in 1685, She died in 1721 in Falmouth, Massachusetts, perhaps from childbirth of her only child Ichabod.

Thomas' second wife Jane Clifton was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1699 to Savory Clifton and Dorothy Burgess. She died in 1751 in Rochester, New York, USA.

                                         Thomas & Mary Bowerman

Thomas' father Thomas was born in West Barnstable in the middle of September of 1648 to Thomas Bowerman and Hannah Annable. He died in 1727 in West Falmouth. He married Mary Harper and had 9 children with her: the above Thomas, Experience, Deborah, Samuel, Stephen, Benjamin, Waitstill, Hannah, and Mary.

Thomas' mother Mary Harper was born in West Falmouth, England, in 1650 to Robert Harper and Deborah Perry. She died in 1740 in Massachusetts, USA.

                                         Thomas & Hannah Bowerman

Thomas' father Thomas was born in Oxfordshire, England around 1600. He died in 1679 in Masschusetts, USA. He married Hannah Annable on March 10th of 1645.

Hannah Annable was born in Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay in 1625 to Anthony Annable and Jane Momford. She died in 1672 in Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA.

  Original marriage record of Thomas Bourman & Hannah Annable, including information on the births of their children. 

It reads:

Thomas Bourman & Hannah Annable married 10 March 1645
his Daughter Hannah born about the latter end of May 1646
his Son Thomas Bourman born about the middle of Sep 1648
his son Samuel born about the latter end of July 1651
his Daughter Desire born about the latter end of May 1654
his Daughter Mary about the middle of March 1656
Mehitable about the beginning of September 1658
Tristram about the beginning of Aug 1661


Hannah died in 1719. Married Anthony Frye.
Thomas (the above) died in 1727,
Samuel died in 1676.
Desire died in 1663.
Mary died in 1663.
Mehitable died in 1663.
Tristram died in 1706. Married Ann Hooper. They had eight children: Hannah, Sarah, Mehitable, Jonathan, Samuel, Mary, John, and Bellamy.

Burial Locations (Updates made as I find more information)
                       Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell, Prince Edward County, Ontario

* Stephen and Elizabeth are buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.

--Byron is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery.  Wife Margaret is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery.
           --Albert is buried UNKNOWN
           --Ralph is buried UKNOWN
--Rachel May is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.
--Alma Augusta is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.


--Ethel Maude is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell. Husband Wilford is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.
               --Edith Hilda Marion is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.
               -- Eleanor Elizabeth is buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.
--Stephen Earl is buried in Hicksite Cemetery in Bloomfield, Prince Edward County. Wife May is buried in Hicksite Cemetery in Bloomfield as well.
               -- Ruth Elizabeth is buried in Hicksite Cemetery in Bloomfield, Prince Edward County.

< Gideon Hughes and Mary S Christy are buried in Bowerman Hill Cemetery in Hallowell.
--Albert Claude is buried in Glenwood Cemetery in Picton, Hallowell Township.
--James is buried UNKNOWN
--Stephen (*)

Amy Bowerman Hughes is buried in Hicksite Cemetery in Bloomfield, Prince Edward County.
Stephen Bowerman is buried in Hicksite Cemetery in Bloomfield as well.
--Eleanor is buried UNKNOWN
--Abigail is buried PERHAPS in Hickside.
--Oliver is buried UNKNOWN
--Rachel is buried PERHAPS  in Glendwood as Williams.
--Sophia is buried UNKNOWN
--Gideon (<)


  1. My name is Michael Bowerman and I am a descendent of Hugh Bowerman of Charlbury, Oxfordshire. Hugh's so Thomas had three son's, Thomas (1) Thomas (2) and William. Thomas (2) was born on 22nd April 1612 and I can find no further record of him. His family were carpenters. Could he be the husband of your Thomas Bourman who married Hannah Annable?


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