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The Karrow Family

                                         Elizabeth Neuhaus & Henry Karrow

Elizabeth "Lessie" Neuhaus was born August 19th, 1877 in Waterloo, Ontario, to Reinhardt Neuhaus (1854-1908) and Katharina Willie (1856-1913). She died January 23rd, 1913 in Kitchener from a spinal injury from a fall, and then pneumonia. She was 35 years, 5 months, and 4 days old at the time of her death, and she died at her home on 133 Waterloo Street, in Berlin, Ontario. She is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery in Waterloo. She married Henry Karrow on October 3rd, 1900 in Berlin, Ontario.

Henry Karrow was born October 30th of 1875 to Christian Friedrich Karrow and Dorothea Wilhelmina Kehl. He married Sarah Jane Acton in Chesley, Bruce County at her home, on March 25th, 1914, after the death of Elizabeth in 1913.

          -- Sarah Jane Acton was born in 1873 to Joseph and Ann Acton, and died in 1956. She is                               buried in Parkview Cemetery, Section AA Row 7, with her husband's son and the son's                           wife.

                             Christian Friedrich Karrow (father of Henry), was born December 12th of 1823                              in Germany, and died November 24th 1894 in Kitchener. He died from an                                                  ulceration of the bowels which he had for a duration of 10 weeks. He was 70                                             years, 11 months, and 12 days old at the time of his death. He is buried in                                               Mount Hope Cemetery in Kitchener.

                              Dorothea Wilhelmina Kehl (mother of Henry), was born March 14th, 1834 in                                      Germany, and died April 26th of 1909 in Kitchener from bronchitis which she                                   had for several months. She was 75 years, 1 month, and 12 days old at the time of                                her death at 133 Waterloo Street in Berlin, Ontario. She is buried in Mount Hope                                   Cemetery in Kitchener.

The Children Of Elizabeth and Henry Karrow were:

1) Doris Elizabeth Karrow, born Oct. 25 1903 in Kitchener and died Nov. 26 1904 in Kitchener. She died from Cholera at the age of 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day.

2) Unnamed Baby Female Karrow born Sept. 26, 1905 in Kitchener and died Sept. 26 1905 in Kitchener. She only lived for 8 hours.

3) Reinhardt Frederick Karrow was born in 1907 and died in 2007. RCMP 11381. Buried in Parkview Cemetery, Section AA Row 7. He married Bertha Elzira Bilton on September 5th, 1927 in Halstein, Grey, Ontario.

                               -- Bertha Elzira Bilton was born on May 2nd 1906 and died May 31 1992. She is                                    buried in Parkview Cemetery, Section AA Row 7. Her parents were Joseph                                          Bilton and Jane "Jennie" Vollett.

4) Clayton Henry Karrow, born in 1909. Unknown death, unknown burial location.

5) Two Unnamed Male Children born on December 6th 1911 in Kitchener at 133 Waterloo Street, both were stillborn.

Elizabeth Neuhaus and Henry Karrow

The house at 133 Waterloo Street.

Birth Certificate Of Henry Karrow

Marriage Certificate of Henry And Elizabeth Karrow

Marriage Certificates Of Henry and Sarah Jane Acton

Death Certificate of Friedrich Karrow, father of Henry Karrow.

Death Certificate of Dorothea Wilhemia Kehl Karrow, mother of Henry.

Birth Certificate of Doris Elizabeth Karrow.

Birth Certificate of Bertha Elzira Bilton (wife of R. F. Karrow).

Birth Certificate Of Reinhardt Karrow.

Marriage Certificate of Reinhardt Karrow & Bertha Bilton

Birth Certificate Of Clayton Karrow

                                               Death Certificate of the stillborn male twins.

Birth Certificates of the stillborn male twins.


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