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The Jamestown Masonic Cemetery

When I was in Jamestown, Tuolumne County, California, I decided to go visit the Jamestown Masonic Cemetery located on Jamestown road and easily accessible from Golden Chain Highway 49. I noticed that there are quite a lot of masonic cemeteries and gravestones in and around the Jamestown area.  Jamestown is technically a ghost town from the days of the California Gold Rush, although it does have a small population these days.

Burial Records

Dixon, Edith May
Dixon, Grace Elenor
Dixon, Jared Young
Evans, Thomas Jefferson
Ouderkirk, Isaac
Pereira, Hannah (Morgan)
Pereira, John
Severio, Ferio
Severio, Mary J
Witter, James

                                                         Edith May Dixon

Edith May Dixon was born in 1862 in California to Jared Young Dixon and Louisa Ann Wildermuth. She died on September 6th 1870 aged 8 years, 7 months, and 22 days. Her cause of death is unknown.

                                                          Grace Elenor Dixon

Grace Elenor Dixon was born on or around December 29th 1865 in California to Jared Young Dixon and Louisa Ann Wildermuth. She died on December 4th 1869 in Jamestown, Tuolumne County, California aged 3 years 11 months and 7 days. Her cause of death is also unknown.

                                                    Edith May,                Grace Elenor,
                                                      DIED                          DIED
                                                 Sept. 6. 1870.                 Dec. 4. 1869.
                                                    AGED                           AGED
                                                8 yrs, 7 mos,                  3 yrs, 11 mos,
                                                 & 22 days.                      & 7 days.
                                                                 Children of
                                                           J. Y. & L. A. DIXON

                                                          Jared Young Dixon

Jared Young Dixon was born October 20th 1825 in Clinton, East Feliciana, Louisiana to William George Dixon and Nancy Ann Sanders (both from South Carolina, and who both died in Clinton). Jared had 11 known siblings. He likely traveled to Jamestown during the California Gold Rush, though this is merely speculation. On September 22nd 1857, he married Louisa Ann Wildermuth in Calaveras County. She was born on September 21 1836 in Greenfield, Fairfield, Ohio, and died on September 13th 1886 in Campo Seco, California. I believe she is buried in the Campo Seco Protestant Cemetery, where other Wildermuth relatives are buried. Together they had 3 known children, Frank Herman Dixon (b. Dec. 1858 in Jamestown, d. June 16 1912 in San Diego, married Etta Parrish Lynch in 1903 in Los Angeles), and the above Edith May Dixon and Grace Elenor Dixon.

There is no headstone for Jared, but he may be buried to the left of his two daughters given that there is an empty space where a headstone may have once stood.

                                                         Thomas Jefferson Evans

Thomas Jefferson Evans was born on August 11 1836 in Tiverton, Newport County, Rhode Island to David Evans and Fidelia Ann Durfee, and died March 3 1893 in Jamestown. He married Sarah Pereira (who later remarried and is buried in Jamestown Cemetery but whose parents are buried in Jamestown Masonic Cemetery). He had 6 children with Sarah including Fannie Estelle, Beatrice Sarah, Harry Steere, Mark Steere, Grace Louise (married Richard Henry Sutton), and Claude William. No headstone remains for Thomas. Francis Estelle Sutton and Claude William Evans are buried with their mother Sarah in Jamestown Cemetery.

                                                                 Isaac Ouderkirk

Isaac Ouderkirk was born in 1842 or 1844 in Nova Scotia, Canada to John Ouderkirk and Sarah Crowe. He married Luguency Ramsay on March 13 1875 (born in Nova Scotia). He died in January 1911 in Jamestown from suicide. There is no headstone present for Isaac. The following comes from a newspaper article in the Sonora Democrat on January 14th 1911:



Isaac Outerkirk, driven to despondency through illness, suicided at Jamestown by sending a bullet into his brain at an early hour, last Saturday morning. Ouderkirk was a blacksmith by trade and 67 years of age. He had been a resident of Jamestown about ten years, a goodly portion of which time he worked at the railroad shop. Of late he had been tending bar in the Mangante saloon. During his last shift Friday night, he told frequenters of that place that life was becoming unbearable, that he suffered pains too severe to be long endured, and exhibited a pistol with which he declared that he would end his misery. His auditors did not think that he would carry the threat of self-destruction into execution, but a number of friends hung around until closing time early Saturday morning, when Ouderkirk seemed to be in a more cheerful frame of mind. He retired to his lodgings and a short while after parties heard groans issuing from his room. They gained an entrance and found Ouderkirk in his bed bathed in his own blood which flowed from a wound from his head. Dr. C.E. Congdon was summoned and Ouderkirk, unconscious but still alive, was hastily brought to the Sierra hospital in this city by automobile. His wound, however, was a fatal one, his death enduing at mid-night of the same day. The weapon used was a 38-caliber pistol and the pain-crazed man had sent the bullet into his brain through his mouth. The deceased was a Mason in good standing, belonging to a lodge in San Benito County. The funeral was conducted by Tuolumne Lodge No. 21, F. & A.M., Tuesday afternoon, burial being made in the Masonic cemetery. A son of the deceased came up from Los Angeles to attend the obsequies.

Sonora Democrat Jan. 14, 1911"

                                                       Hannah & John Pereira

Hannah "Annie" Morgan was born in 1819 in Ireland.  She died on April 20 1871 in Jamestown, California. She married John Pereira in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1846. They had 7 children: Caroline (married W. Watterhouse), Mary (married Lewis Slonicker), John, Sarah (married Thomas Jefferson Evans and later George W. Miller), Frank, James, and William Morgan.

Her husband John Pereira was born in 1814 in Funchal, Madeira Region, Portugal, the second of eleven children, though only he and two sister survived. After Annie's death in April of 1871, he married Elizabeth W. Brown on November 22nd 1871 in the Jamestown Church. He owned/ran the Willow Restaurant in Jamestown and owned much of Jamestown. He came to the United States in 1838 and to Jamestown in 1849. He built the original Willow building and also built a house on Main Street for his family. It had fountains and gardens leading up to the front door at one point, and the basement was filled with Madeira wine that John made using skills he had learned from his father. The house went to his daughter Sarah in his will and was known as The Miller House because she was married to George W Miller at the time. It later became known as the Dolan house and is now owned by Lorie East. He was a democrat and active in party work, as well as an Odd Fellow and a Mason. He died on August 13 1902 of old age around 5:50 pm.

They are buried in a mausoleum. John's name is not mentioned on the stone but he is buried there.

                                                           ANNIE MORGAN,
                                                                   Wife of
                                                            JOHN PEREIRA.
                                                         Died April 20th 1871
                                                              Aged 52 years
                                                           A native of Ireland

                                                       A photo of John located in The Willow.

                                                   Believed to be John Pereira in the 1860s.

                                                Almost certainly John & Hannah.

                                                 Ferio Severio & Mary J. Severio

Ferio Severio was born in 1826. He died on October 21st 1876 in Jamestown, California. He owned a restaurant. He was married to Mary J Severio, who was born in 1831 and died on January 23 1871 in Jamestown, California.

                                                                      F. SEVERIO,
                                                                     Oct. 21, 1876
                                                                    Aged 50 years.

                                                                     Rest in Peace.

                                                                         MARY J.
                                                                          Wife of
                                                                     F. SEVERIO
                                                                    Jan, 23, 1871
                                                                    Aged 40 years.

                                                              May She Rest in Peace.

                                                                     James Witter

John Witter was born in 1835 in Ireland. He died on February 10 1871 in Jamestown, California. In the 1870 census in Tuolumne, he was listed as being age 35 with a female Roberti W Witter aged 20, and Ellen Witter aged 3. The stone was erected by his wife.

                                                              JAMES WITTER
                                                                Feb. 10. 1871,
                                                              Aged 37 yrs. 2 m's.
                                                                     & 19 days.

                                                             May he rest in peace.
                                                         He is dead but not forgotten.
                                                              Erected by his wife.


  1. Please write to me at concerning a photo you took of some gravestones in Grimsby. Thank you, Jane Down


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